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Insure your professional operations with the experts at Argo

Insure your professional operations with the experts at Argo

The Argo Pro underwriting team has deep expertise in understanding the professional lines exposures that individuals and organizations face in day-to-day business. Combined with a specialized and dedicated claims staff, Argo Pro’s focus is on providing exceptional customer service to our policyholders and brokers.

Our professional lines coverage

  • A wide-ranging portfolio, including a variety of errors and omissions and management liability products.
  • Coverage for small, medium and large organizations on an admitted and non-admitted basis.
  • An experienced claims staff from a variety of legal backgrounds that can deliver professional claims handling – no matter your need.

See the Argo Pro brochure for more details.

View the brochure



A.M. Best



Standard and Poor's*

Commercial Management Liability

Public, private and non-profit organizations face a changing landscape of exposures. Our team members can help cover emerging risks from a wide range of sources, including creditors, suppliers, customers and employees.

Errors & Omissions

Our underwriting team includes deep expertise in understanding the professional service exposures that individuals and organizations face in their day-to-day business. We pride ourselves on our ability to customize policies that meet the needs of the various professional services exposures in today’s business environment.

Financial Institutions

Argo Pro’s Financial Institutions department focuses on the customized needs of banks, insurance companies, investment advisers, mutual funds and other financial institutions. Maximum capacity: $15 million No minimum attachment Coverage is available for public and private companies

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Steve Boughal
Head of Argo Pro

Rich Fachet
Senior Vice President, Head of Financial Institutions

John Lecci
Senior Vice President, Head of Professional Liability

Ann McCarthy
Senior Vice President of Underwriting, Head of Private Commercial Accounts

Christine Schneider
Senior Vice President of Underwriting, Head of Public Commercial Accounts

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